Think well.
Live better.
Think well.
Live better.
Think well.
Live better.
Join a community of independent thinkers taking charge in a world of social media and AI.
Join a community of independent thinkers taking charge in a world of social media and AI.
Join a community of independent thinkers taking charge in a world of social media and AI.
We are overloaded with content which clouds our ability to think clearly, stay focused, and learn.
We are overloaded with content which clouds our ability to think clearly, stay focused, and learn.
We are overloaded with content which clouds our ability to think clearly, stay focused, and learn.
Declining attention spans
A constant stream of online distractions and short-form content makes it hard to stay focused. This affects academic performance and weakens critical thinking skills needed for real-world challenges.
Declining attention spans
A constant stream of online distractions and short-form content makes it hard to stay focused. This affects academic performance and weakens critical thinking skills needed for real-world challenges.
Gradual decline in cognitive reasoning
Gradual decline in cognitive reasoning
Gradual decline in cognitive reasoning
Algorithms create personalized content feeds that reinforce existing beliefs and limit exposure to diverse perspectives. This narrows users' worldviews.
Social media bubbles
Echo chambers of the digital age
Algorithms create personalized content feeds that reinforce existing beliefs and limit exposure to diverse perspectives. This narrows users' worldviews.
Social media bubbles
Echo chambers of the digital age
Algorithms create personalized content feeds that reinforce existing beliefs and limit exposure to diverse perspectives. This narrows users' worldviews.
Social media bubbles
Echo chambers of the digital age
Infinite scrolls and intermittent rewards of social media platforms exploit the brain's dopamine response, creating addictive browsing behaviors and dependency on quick, shallow digital interactions. This decreases focus and deteriorates mental well-being.
Endless scrolls &
dopamine hits
Attention economy’s slot machine
Infinite scrolls and intermittent rewards of social media platforms exploit the brain's dopamine response, creating addictive browsing behaviors and dependency on quick, shallow digital interactions. This decreases focus and deteriorates mental well-being.
Endless scrolls &
dopamine hits
Attention economy’s slot machine
Infinite scrolls and intermittent rewards of social media platforms exploit the brain's dopamine response, creating addictive browsing behaviors and dependency on quick, shallow digital interactions. This decreases focus and deteriorates mental well-being.
Endless scrolls &
dopamine hits
Attention economy’s slot machine
Mainstream media and social networks are incentivized to promote click-bait content to grab eyeballs and sell ads. With the influx of AI-generated content and deepfakes it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake content.
Artificial & fake media
Blurred lines of reality
Mainstream media and social networks are incentivized to promote click-bait content to grab eyeballs and sell ads. With the influx of AI-generated content and deepfakes it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake content.
Artificial & fake media
Blurred lines of reality
Mainstream media and social networks are incentivized to promote click-bait content to grab eyeballs and sell ads. With the influx of AI-generated content and deepfakes it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake content.
Artificial & fake media
Blurred lines of reality
The Twella approach
The Twella approach
The Twella approach
Check in
Check in
Check in
Three quick prompts to assess what you know, feel, & believe. Become more aware of your mental models.
Three quick prompts to assess what you know, feel, & believe. Become more aware of your mental models.
Deep dive
Take a closer look
Take a closer look
Take a closer look
Three prompts to evaluate bias, evidence, & influence. Determine reliability to cut through noise.
Three prompts to evaluate bias, evidence, & influence. Determine reliability to cut through noise.
Think with others
Think with others
Think with others
See how others think across differences in age, gender, race, and politics. Enrich your understanding.
See how others think across differences in age, gender, race, and politics. Enrich your understanding.
Grow with Twella
Grow with Twella
Grow with Twella
Enhanced focus
Through targeted exercises, develop an intentional approach to consuming and evaluating social media content.
Enhanced focus
Through targeted exercises, develop an intentional approach to consuming and evaluating social media content.
Enhanced focus
Through targeted exercises, develop an intentional approach to consuming and evaluating social media content.
Improved critical thinking
Cultivate self-awareness and analysis skills to discern reliable information from misinformation and foster a more analytical and discerning mindset.
Improved critical thinking
Cultivate self-awareness and analysis skills to discern reliable information from misinformation and foster a more analytical and discerning mindset.
Improved critical thinking
Cultivate self-awareness and analysis skills to discern reliable information from misinformation and foster a more analytical and discerning mindset.
Better mental health
Build resilience against online pressures, and develop a balanced relationship with social media, ultimately promoting overall mental well-being and reducing anxiety associated with digital overwhelm.
Better mental health
Build resilience against online pressures, and develop a balanced relationship with social media, ultimately promoting overall mental well-being and reducing anxiety associated with digital overwhelm.
Better mental health
Build resilience against online pressures, and develop a balanced relationship with social media, ultimately promoting overall mental well-being and reducing anxiety associated with digital overwhelm.
We are NOT
We are NOT
We are NOT
A Social media app
A Social media app
A Social media app
News or media site
News or media site
News or media site
Fact checking tool
Fact checking tool
Fact checking tool
Twella is a learning and wellness hub that helps students evaluate social media content to become more self-aware critical thinkers.
Twella is a learning and wellness hub that helps students evaluate social media content to become more self-aware critical thinkers.
Twella is a learning and wellness hub that helps students evaluate social media content to become more self-aware critical thinkers.
You've got questions.
We have the answers
You've got questions.
We have the answers
You've got questions.
We have the answers
How does Twella align with my curriculum goals?
How is student data protected?
How can I access Twella?
How does Twella align with my curriculum goals?
How is student data protected?
How can I access Twella?
How does Twella align with my curriculum goals?
How is student data protected?
How can I access Twella?
Contact us